Finding your Voice as a New Yoga Teacher

The beauty of any journey in life is that each one is unique. We make choices every day that create pathways leading us towards what we envisage success to be for us. Becoming a yoga teacher is no different.

Knowing where to start as a new Yoga teacher can be daunting and seem overwhelming. The most important thing to remember when any feelings of self-doubt arise in the early days post-graduation, is that every single Yoga teacher started somewhere. The teachers that inspired you to want to take up teaching as a career, the teachers that guided you through your teacher training and even Patanjali had a starting point. A moment where it all began. 

I highly recommend starting to teach as soon as possible after qualifying, gaining experience teaching is incredibly valuable for developing your style as a teacher and finding your voice. It’s amazing what opportunities come your way when you put yourself out there. 

There were so many mixed emotions as I approached the journey to teach Yoga. I was so excited to share all of the knowledge that was fresh in my mind. I wanted to spread the love I had for Yoga and evoke the same feelings of joy I had found through the practice with others. I was also extremely nervous and didn’t know how to become the Yoga teacher I aspired to be. 

“I reached out to a friend, when I was feeling particularly anxious before one of my first classes, and she said to me “Just remember that action conquers fear”. This resonated with me completely as I knew it to be true, but the reminder was so helpful.”

Here are a four key factors, I believe will help you to find your voice as a new yoga teacher:

  1. Be yourself

    “Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” The Bhagavad Gita.

    When you honour your true self, your authenticity will shine and will allow you to become the yoga teacher you aspire to be. Lead each class with confidence, love for yourself and devotion to the practice of yoga. 

    As a yoga teacher, you have the gift of guiding your students on a journey towards self-awareness and self-love. Showing your true self to your students, will allow them to find trust in you to support them, as they embark on their venture to self-discovery.

  2. Teach what you love
    Your style of teaching is a reflection of your own experience as a yoga practitioner. When you teach what you love to practice, you will create an authentic interpretation of what yoga means to you. Don’t be afraid to weave different elements of yoga, such as philosophy throughout your classes. Share with your students, what it is that drives you and sparks your passion.

  3. Practice what you preach
    “Practice and all is coming.” (Pattabhi Jois)

    As a new teacher, it is important to prioritize your personal practice time, for the sake of your physical and mental well-being. Time spent on your mat, is what will keep you connected to your love for the practice. The deeper the connection you have with your practice, the more insight you will have to offer in your classes.

  4. Remain forever a student
    A teacher of any subject is always a student at heart with a thirst for knowledge. Like any journey in life, we are forever learning, which helps us to stay humble and inspired on our chosen path. When we surrender to being forever a student, we find humility. Regardless of experience, life continues to teach us both on and off the mat. As a new yoga teacher, you can gather influential information from an abundance of different sources, such as inspiring books, or conversations with like-minded people. When we preserve the curiosity of a student, what we learn becomes our teaching material and our wisdom becomes our voice.

There are many paths to take when newly qualified and looking for a starting point. Volunteering the first few classes is a great way to enter the realm of teaching, as it removes the pressure of being paid for the service you are providing. Regardless of what path you choose for yourself, your first few classes as a new teacher will fundamentally help to shape and embellish your own unique teaching style. 

Finding your voice as a teacher is an ongoing journey. When developing your own teaching style, it’s extremely important to remember to be yourself and let your personality shine through.  

Approach your new career as a yoga teacher with excitement for the adventure ahead. Honour your true self, teach from your heart and be open to change. Find your voice and use it with confidence to grow and develop on your journey to success. 

We would love to hear your own experiences, about finding your voice as a yoga teacher. What challenges have you faced so far? What have been the most rewarding aspects? Please share your thoughts and insights below. 


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